The Greenway Reserve...
The Greenway Reserve Free Public...
Operated and maintained by the City of Stonnington.
Expressions of interest for seasonal allocations can be emailed to recreationservices@stonnington.vic.gov.au.
Existing Stonnington sports clubs can download a seasonal ground application form and conditions of use document here:
Seasonal-Use-of-Sportsgrounds-Pavilions.pdf(PDF, 460KB)
Terms-and-Conditions-of-Use-Seasonal-Use-of-Sportsgrounds-Pavilions.pdf(PDF, 555KB)
Stonnington sportsgrounds are available for casual hire. Availability is limited and conditions apply. Each application received will be assessed against a set criteria including:
Casual-Hire-of-Council-Reserves-Parks-Gardens-Sportsgrounds.pdf(PDF, 343KB)
Terms and Conditions of Use- Casual Use of Council Reserves.pdf(PDF, 341KB)